YouTube And Hamsters

 Hey guys! I just wanted to give an update on my YouTube channel. I got some more subscribers and I've also decided to stop doing art/painting because when I first started my YouTube channel I was doing it for fun, but as I did it more and more, I started getting worse at what I was doing and putting less effort in my work because I just wanted to get something out each week. So that's why I'm just doing hamster videos cause I actually love to do them! This is a picture of Taz from one of my videos.Taz has been the main focus on my channel lately and I think he likes the attention. I bought him new food because I want to make sure he gets the best food. I'll link the food at the end of the post. I hope you all have been well and I'll see you next time. Bye!! 👋😄

Hamster food#1

Hamster food #2

But them together and mix them half and half. For more information watch this video!


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